Dyson Purifier Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde - White Nickel Gold Skip navigation
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Due to the upcoming bank holiday, there will be a delay in the delivery of orders placed after 4pm on the 15th of March. All orders will be shipped on the next working day.

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Dyson Purifier Humidify+Cool™ PH04 Formaldehyde

Dyson Purifier Humidify+Cool™ PH04 Formaldehyde

Frequently asked questions

What is new about the Dyson purifier humidifier and how is it different to other purifier humidifiers?

We've re-engineered our latest purifier humidifier to be fully sealed to HEPA H13 standard.⁶ With a hassle-free Deep clean cycle that  eliminates mineral build-up throughout your machine's water system.

What is different about the Dyson Formaldehyde range?

The Dyson Purifier Humidify+Cool™ Formaldehyde has all of the capabilities found in our advanced purification products but goes a step further to detect and destroy formaldehyde.¹ An added solid-state sensor precisely detects formaldehyde, while our catalytic filter breaks it down into two safer molecules – carbon dioxide and water.

What is formaldehyde and what are common sources of it?

Formaldehyde is a polluting gas formed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen that is commonly found in homes. Common sources of formaldehyde could be: paint and varnishes, air fresheners, mattresses, furniture, household cleaners, carpets, particleboard and plywood, electronics, dryer sheets, nail polish remover, moth balls, toys, fireplaces and wood burning stoves.

Where should I place the purifier humidifier in my room?

Your Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool™ Formaldehyde is engineered to purify and humidify single rooms, so you should use it where you spend the majority of your time at home. When placing the machine, make sure there's at least a few feet of clearance on all sides, so that the air can circulate effectively. Close doors and windows and place away from air vents.

Can I switch off humidification?

Yes. The machine works as a purifier humidifier, or just a purifying fan.

How often should I run a Deep clean cycle?

This depends on the water hardness where you live. The machine prompts you to run the cycle once a month in hard water areas. It prompts you less often in softer water areas. You can select your water hardness with the MyDyson™ app. Running a Deep clean cycle helps to eliminate odours that occur through poor maintenance.