Quick-release mini motorised tool
Tackles hair and ground-in dirt in confined spaces.
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Quick-release soft roller cleaner head
Quick-release soft roller cleaner head
Part No. 966489-04
Powerful direct-drive cleaner head removes ground-in dirt from carpets
Please contact our customer service team on 01-475-7109, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
Quick-release Motorhead
Part No. 967483-01
Powerful direct-drive cleaner head removes ground-in dirt from carpets
Please contact our customer service team on 01-475-7109, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.
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