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Please note:

Due to the upcoming bank holiday, there will be a delay in the delivery of orders placed after 4pm on the 15th of March. All orders will be shipped on the next working day.

Let's get your machine working

Dyson V6 Fluffy vacuum
Dyson V6 Fluffy vacuum

Let's get your machine working

Dyson V6 Fluffy vacuum
Reference code:

You might need a replacement part.

It looks like the Charger is not working. You can solve this by ordering a new one below.


Part no. 967813-01

Plugs into a standard three-pin wall socket.




Part no. 967813-01

Plugs into a standard three-pin wall socket.


Out of stock.


Reference code:

How to charge the battery

The machine can be charged on a dock (if purchased separately) or by plugging the charger directly to the machine.

The light on the charger will show when the machine is being charged and will go out when charging is complete.

The battery should be fully charged after 3.5 hours.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:
Reference code:

How to use the floor tool

Slide the floor tool into the Wand until it 'clicks' into position.

The Brush bar will begin to spin automatically when the trigger is pressed.


How to use the Mini motorised head

Slide the Mini motorised tool head into the inlet pipe on the bin until it 'clicks' into position.

The Brush bar will spin automatically when the trigger is pressed.


How to attach the accessories

Slide the accessories into the inlet pipe on the bin until they 'click' into position.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Quick start guide

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Remove the bin.


Serial number location

The serial number can be found on the Main body of the machine behind the bin.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please open the PDF for the user guide.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please check if the machine pulsates

To ensure the correct checks are carried out, we will need to determine if this is a pick up issue or if the machine is pulsating.

Please ensure the bin is empty before continuing with any checks.

Remove all tools and accessories from the machine e.g. Wand, Cleaner head, Crevice tool etc.

Put the machine in MAX power mode (the light on the MAX power button will illuminate when the trigger is pressed).

Note: To select MAX mode, first hold down the red ON/OFF trigger so the machine is running, then press and release the MAX button on the rear of the machine.


Test the machine

Press and hold the trigger for 10 seconds.

Reference code:

WARNING: Do not put the filter in a dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, oven, microwave, or near a naked flame.

In most cases this would suggest that the filter is blocked

Please confirm the following steps to wash the filter below have been carried out and the machine has been retested.

Thoroughly wash the filter

Tap the filter against a hard surface.

See if there is any debris in the top of the filter.

Soak and massage the filter to dislodge any debris.

Run the filter under cold water.

Soak the filter again and confirm the water is clear.

Leave to dry for at least 24 hours.

Only place the filter in the machine when it’s completely dry.


Some variants may have a washable post-filter.

If it does, run the water into the open side of the post-filter, then tap and shake the filter to expel all debris.

Repeat the process until the water runs clear.


Has washing the filter resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Pick up issue

If the machine is not performing as well as it used to this is typically caused by a partial or full blockage within the openings of the machine.

Remove the floor tool

Please remove the floor tool from the machine.

Reference code:

Clear Hard floor tool

Check through both openings of the head for blockages and remove as necessary.

Reassemble and retest the machine.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Remove the Wand

Remove the Cleaner head from the Wand, and remove the Wand from the machine.

Check both ends of the Wand for blockages and remove as necessary.

Refit the Cleaner head onto the Wand and connect the Wand back onto the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Check the bin inlet

Remove the Wand from the machine.

Check the bin inlet flap for blockages and remove as necessary.

Ensure that it moves freely. Fluff or fibres jamming the hinge can cause the flap to close resulting in low suction and pulsating noise.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Remove the bin

Press the bin base release button to empty Bin and leave the bin base open.


With the bin base open, press the button again to remove the bin from the cyclone.

Check the bin inlet

With the bin removed, check the bin inlet flap for blockages and remove as necessary.

You may need to use your finger to push the bin inlet flap open. Before continuing ensure the bin inlet flap moves freely.

You can test this by closing the bin base and holding the bin with the inlet pointing to the floor and shaking the bin. If you hear a rattle this means the bin inlet is freely moving. If you do not hear the bin inlet rattling, ensure all debris have been removed from the inlet.


Clear the cyclone

Gently tap the side of the cyclone over a bin. This will remove any fine dust clogged up in the cyclone.

Using the Combination tool, clean the shroud to remove any debris around the cyclone.

Refit the bin back on to the machine, attach the wand and cleaner head and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

WARNING: Do not put the filter in a dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, oven, microwave, or near a naked flame.

Wash the filter

Remove the filter from the machine.

Prior to washing the filter, tap it on a hard surface to remove any debris inside.

Soak and massage the filter in cold water, repeating this process until the water is clear.

Squeeze and twist the filter with both hands to make sure the excess water is removed.

Lay the filter on its side to dry for at least 24 hours.

Note: The filter may require more frequent washing if vacuuming fine dust or if used mainly in ‘Powerful suction’ mode.


Some variants may have a washable post-filter.

If it does, run the water into the open side of the post-filter, then tap and shake the filter to expel all debris.

Repeat the process until the water runs clear.

Reference code:

Remove the filter

Ensure the machine is disconnected from the charger before removing the filter. Be careful not to pull the 'ON' trigger.

To remove the filter, lift it out of the top of the machine.

Note: Your machine has one washable filter, located as shown.


Washing the filter

Prior to washing the filter, tap the filter on a hard surface to remove any debris inside.

Wash the filter with cold water only.

Run water over the outside of the filter until the water runs clear.

Squeeze and twist the filter with both hands to make sure the excess water is removed.

Note: The filter may require more frequent washing if vacuuming fine dust or if used mainly in ‘Powerful suction’ mode.


Filter drying

Lay the filter on its side to dry. Leave to dry completely for a minimum of 24 hours.

Do not put the filter in a dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, oven, microwave or near a naked flame.

Replacing the filter

To refit, place the dry filter back into the top of the appliance. Make sure it is seated properly.


Has washing the filter resolved the problem?

Reference code:

WARNING: Do not put the filter in a dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, oven, microwave, or near a naked flame.

Thoroughly wash the filter

In most cases this would suggest that the filter is blocked. Please confirm the following steps to wash the filter below have been carried out and the machine has been retested.

Tap the filter against a hard surface
See if there is any debris in the top of the filter
Soak and massage the filter to dislodge any debris
Run the filter under cold water

Soak the filter again and confirm the water is clear

Leave to dry for at least 24 hours

Only place the filter in the machine when it’s completely dry.

After washing the filter, has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

As general household dust, debris and lint pass through the Mini motorised head, it’s possible that you will find a natural build up within the housing of the tool if it’s not regularly checked and cleaned.

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


Check the bristles on the brush bar. If they appear to vary in length or some appear missing due to natural wear this will likely affect the performance of the machine.

If the bristles vary in length or are missing please select the option ‘Brush bar damaged’.

Refit and test

With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit it back into the Cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the bin and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

As general household dust, debris and lint pass through the Motorhead, it’s possible that you will find a natural build up within the housing of the tool if it’s not regularly checked and cleaned.

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


Refit and test

With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit it back into the Cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the bin and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

Under the Cleaner head by the Soft roller, locate the fastener. Using a coin, turn the fastener anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove the end cap.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


Refit and test

With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit it back into the Cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the bin and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

The machine is designed to pulsate. This is an audible feature that indicates a restriction of airflow and prevents damage to the motor. This is usually caused by a blockage within the machine or a clogged filter.

When the machine is pulsating, it will switch on and off in quick succession. Make sure the machine is cool before running through the following checks.

Remove the tool and wand from the machine.

Open the bin

Press the bin base release button to empty bin and leave the bin base open.


Press and hold the trigger for 10 seconds.

Does the machine pulsate with the bin open?

Reference code:

Remove the bin

With the bin base open, press the button again to remove the bin from the cyclone.


Gently tap the side of the cyclone over a bin. This will remove any fine dust clogged up in the cyclone.

Using the Combination tool, brush away any dust around the shroud of the cyclone.

Once cleared of any dust, press and hold the trigger for 10 seconds.

Does the machine pulsate with the bin removed?

Reference code:

Remove the pre-filter

Pull the pre-filter out of the top of the cyclone and place the palm of your hand over the hole where the filter is usually positioned.

Press and hold the trigger for 10 seconds.


Does the machine pulsate with the filter removed?

Reference code:

WARNING: Do not put the filter in a dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, oven, microwave, or near a naked flame.

Our cordless vacuum filters are engineered to capture microscopic particles. Over time, these can build up in the filter and reduce performance. By washing the filter once a month you can help maintain suction power and prevent the machine from pulsating.

Wash the filter

Remove the filter from the machine.

Prior to washing the filter, tap it on a hard surface to remove any debris inside.

Soak and massage the filter in cold water, repeating this process until the water is clear.

Squeeze and twist the filter with both hands to make sure the excess water is removed.

Lay the filter on its side to dry for at least 24 hours.

Note: The filter may require more frequent washing if vacuuming fine dust or if used mainly in ‘Powerful suction’ mode.


Some variants may have a washable post-filter.

If it does, run the water into the open side of the post-filter, then tap and shake the filter to expel all debris.

Repeat the process until the water runs clear.


Has washing the filter resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Blockage within the bin

This would indicate there is a blockage within the bin.

Please check all openings within the bin and remove as necessary.


Check the bin inlet

The flap can become jammed by a build up of dirt and debris.

You may need to use your finger to push the bin inlet flap open.

You can test this by closing the bin base and holding the bin with the inlet pointing to the floor and shaking the bin. If you hear a rattle this means the bin inlet is freely moving. If you do not hear the bin inlet rattling, ensure all debris have been removed from the inlet.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Check the bin inlet

Check the bin inlet ensuring that it moves freely. Fluff or fibres jamming the hinge can cause the flap to close resulting in low suction and a pulsating noise.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Remove the Cleaner head

Remove the Cleaner head from the Wand, and remove the Wand from the machine.

Check both ends of the Wand for blockages and remove as necessary.

Refit the Cleaner head onto the Wand and connect the Wand back onto the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Direct drive cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


Refit and test

With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

Under the Cleaner head by the Soft roller, locate the fastener. Using a coin, turn the fastener anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove the end cap.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Test the machine

Press and hold the trigger for 10 seconds.

Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

Test the machine

Remove all tools and accessories from the machine e.g. wand, Cleaner head, Crevice tool etc.

Pull and hold the trigger for 10 seconds.

Check the status lights

Check the light at the base of the handle (not the MAX Power indicator).

Reference code:

Amber light

An amber light will show or flash if the machine is operating outside of its normal working temperature and the machine may stop working.

An amber light may also show when charging, this light will go out once the machine is fully charged.

Before using the machine, ensure it is back to its operating temperature 3°C/37°F and 40°C/104°F.


Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

Reset the machine

Press and hold the trigger for 3 seconds.

Repeat this 5 times.

Amber light goes out

Please charge the machine for 3.5 hours before using it.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Charge the machine

A blue flashing light means the battery has no power. Please charge the machine for 3.5 hours.


Machine is on charge

When the machine is on charge, the status light should be a solid blue.

Note - When the machine is fully charged the light will turn off.

Reference code:

Charge the machine

Please charge the machine for 3.5 hours.

Test the machine

Once the machine has been charged, pull and hold the trigger for 10 seconds.

Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

Inspect the power cable

With the charger unplugged check the cable for any damage.

If no damage is found, plug the charger back in and in to the machine directly.

Wiggle the cable to see if you can get the machine to charge. If by moving the cable charges the machine, please select "Charger is faulty"

How to remove the charger from the dock

Remove the machine and its accessories from the dock and unplug the charger from the mains.

Using a screwdriver remove the two screws on the docking station.

With the dock removed, unfeed the cable through the channel on the back of the dock.

Try the machine in a different plug socket.

Charge the machine

Charge the machine without the dock for 3.5 hours.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Count the flashes

Hold in the trigger and count how many times the MAX Power button's light flashes.


How many times did the light flash?

Reference code:

Return to working temperature

This indicates that the machine is outside of its normal operating temperature (5oc - 35oc).

7 flashes = Too cold

8 flashes = Too hot

Please place the machine in an area that stays within this temperature range and leave it to charge there for 3.5 hours.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Check for blockages

This suggests that the machine is blocked.

Please select "Pick up issues" to carry out checks for blockages.

Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

Power issue

This would suggest the machine has no power and is likely because the machine is not receiving power from the charger.

If the machine is being charged in the docking station, please remove the charging cable from the dock and plug it directly into the machine.


How to remove the charger from the dock

Remove the machine and its accessories from the dock and unplug the charger from the mains.

Using a screwdriver remove the two screws on the docking station.

With the dock removed, unfeed the cable through the channel on the back of the dock.

Try the machine in a different plug socket.

Does a light show when the machine is on charge?

Reference code:

Check the status lights

Check the light at the base of the handle (not the MAX Power indicator).

Reference code:

Count the number of red flashing lights

Hold in the trigger and count the number of times the light flashes.

How many times did the light flash?

Reference code:

Check MAX button

If the machine has no power and you have a blue light on the battery, please check the 'Max' button light and count the flashes for the following:

The flashes may appear quickly - so it will be best to check twice.

Reference code:

Please only use this route if it is related to battery degradation.

Machine run time

All machine variants will have a MAX mode run time of 6 minutes.

Using no motorised heads, the machine will have a run time of 20 minutes

Using the motorised heads the machine will run between 14 - 17 minutes subject to machine variant

How to select MAX mode

To select MAX mode, first hold down the red ON/OFF trigger so the machine is running, then press and release the MAX button on the rear of the machine.

When MAX mode is selected, the MAX button will light up. You’ll also hear the motor change pitch as the speed of the impeller increases.

To change back to regular high power suction, just press and release the MAX button again.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:
Reference code:

Remove the bin

Press the bin base release button to empty bin and leave the bin base open.


Press the release button again to remove the bin from the cyclone.


Clear the cyclone

Gently tap the side of the cyclone over a bin. This will remove any fine dust clogged up in the cyclone.

Using the Combination tool, brush away any dust around the shroud of the cyclone.

Once cleared of any dust, press and hold the trigger for 10 seconds.


Is the noise still present with the bin removed?

Reference code:

Noise is not present without the bin

This would suggest there is something caught within the machine.

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Clear Hard floor tool

Check through both openings of the head for blockages and remove as necessary.

Reassemble and retest the machine.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Direct drive cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


Refit and test

With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


Refit and test

With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

Under the Cleaner head by the Soft roller, locate the fastener. Using a coin, turn the fastener anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove the end cap.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


Refit and test

With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


Refit and test

With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:
Reference code:

Damp or musty smell

A damp or musty smell is caused when dust in the cyclone has come into contact with water.

It may not be a direct contact with water, for example when vacuuming pet hair that is slightly damp, this moisture will combine with the dust in the cyclone causing the smell.

Additionally the smell may occur if the filter goes back into the machine wet.

Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

How to clean the bin and cyclone

Push the red button by the clear bin to open the bin base.

Press a second time to release the clear bin from the Main body of the machine.

Remove the bin carefully.


Clean the bin

Clean the clear bin with a damp cloth only. Avoid contact with the electrical contacts located in the nozzle of the bin along with the back of the bin.

Do not use detergents, polishes or air fresheners to clean the clear bin.

Do not put the clear bin in a dishwasher.

Refit the bin

Ensure the clear bin is completely dry before replacing.

To replace the bin, push the bin up and in to the Main body of the machine, It will click into place.

Close the bin base so it clicks into place and is secure.

Washing the filter can also help to remove the smell.


Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

WARNING: Do not put the filter in a dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, oven, microwave, or near a naked flame.

Washing the filter

Remove the filter from the machine.

Prior to washing the filter, tap it on a hard surface to remove any debris inside.

Soak and massage the filter in cold water, repeating this process until the water is clear.

Squeeze and twist the filter with both hands to make sure the excess water is removed.

Lay the filter on its side to dry for at least 24 hours.

Note: The filter may require more frequent washing if vacuuming fine dust or if used mainly in ‘Powerful suction’ mode.


Some variants may have a washable post-filter.

If it does, run the water into the open side of the post-filter, then tap and shake the filter to expel all debris.

Repeat the process until the water runs clear.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Damp or musty smell still present

Under normal use, any unpleasant smell can only be caused by something the machine has picked up. Please select pick up issues to carry out checks.

Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

MAX power button doesn't change mode

Please ensure the machine has power.

Hold the red trigger down with one hand and with the other, firmly push the MAX power button in.

There should be a change in the tone of the motor.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Please check all floor tools

To ensure the correct checks are carried out, please check all floor tools to confirm if multiple heads are affected.

Check the floor tool directly on the bin

Please connect the floor tool directly on to the bin.

If the Brush bar on every tool spins when connected to the bin, please select the Wand is damaged.

Reference code:

To carry out the checks below, you do not need to separate the Main body and cyclone.

Remove the bin

Open the bin base by pressing the release button.

Press the button again to remove the bin from the cyclone.


Check the electrical contacts on the bin

Once the bin has been removed, clean the electrical contact from any dust.

The electrical contacts are located at the top of the bin where it connects to the Main body.


Check the electrical contacts on the Main body

Clean the electrical contact from dust.

The electrical contacts are located between the cyclone and the Main body. This is where the bin contacts connect with the Main body.

Tip: You can use a cotton bud to help remove any dust.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the Mini motorised head

On the side of the Mini motorised head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit it back into the Cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the bin and test the machine.


Does the Brush bar now spin constantly?

Reference code:

Remove the bin

Open the bin base by pressing the release button.

Press the button again to remove the bin from the cyclone.


Check the electrical contacts on the bin

Once the bin has been removed, clean the electrical contact from any dust.

The electrical contacts are located at the top of the bin where it connects to the Main body.


Check the electrical contacts on the Main body

Clean the electrical contact from dust.

The electrical contacts are located between the cyclone and the Main body. This is where the bin contacts connect with the Main body.

Tip: You can use a cotton bud to help remove any dust.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit it back into the Cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the bin and test the machine.


Does the Brush bar now spin constantly?

Reference code:

Remove the bin

Open the bin base by pressing the release button.

Press the button again to remove the bin from the cyclone.


Check the electrical contacts on the bin

Once the bin has been removed, clean the electrical contact from any dust.

The electrical contacts are located at the top of the bin where it connects to the Main body.


Check the electrical contacts on the Main body

Clean the electrical contact from dust.

The electrical contacts are located between the cyclone and the Main body. This is where the bin contacts connect with the Main body.

Tip: You can use a cotton bud to help remove any dust.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

Under the Cleaner head by the Soft roller, locate the fastener. Using a coin, turn the fastener anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove the end cap.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit it back into the Cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the bin and test the machine.


Does the Brush bar now spin constantly?

Reference code:

Remove the bin

Open the bin base by pressing the release button.

Press the button again to remove the bin from the cyclone.


Check the electrical contacts on the bin

Once the bin has been removed, clean the electrical contact from any dust.

The electrical contacts are located at the top of the bin where it connects to the Main body.


Check the electrical contacts on the Main body

Clean the electrical contact from dust.

The electrical contacts are located between the cyclone and the Main body. This is where the bin contacts connect with the Main body.

Tip: You can use a cotton bud to help remove any dust.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Clear the inlet

The flap can become jammed by a build up of dirt and debris.

Remove the bin

Open the bin base by pressing the release button.

Press the button again to remove the bin from the cyclone.

Clear any debris from behind the inlet flap.

Reassemble and test the machine.


Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

How to clean the bin and cyclone

Push the red button by the clear bin to open the bin base.

Press a second time to release the clear bin from the Main body of the machine.

Remove the bin carefully.


Clean the clear bin with a damp cloth only. Avoid contact with the electrical contacts located in the nozzle of the bin along with the back of the bin.

Do not use detergents, polishes or air fresheners to clean the clear bin.

Do not put the clear bin in a dishwasher.

Clean the cyclone shroud

Clean the cyclone shroud with the brush on the combination tool to remove lint and dust.

Do not immerse the whole cyclone unit in water or pour water into the cyclones.


Refit the bin

Ensure the clear bin is completely dry before replacing.

To replace the clear bin, push the clear bin up and in to the Main body of the appliance. It will click into place.

Close the clear bin base so it clicks into place and is secure.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Direct drive cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


Refit and test

With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Clear Hard floor tool

Check through both openings of the head for blockages and remove as necessary.

Reassemble and retest the machine.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

On the side of the Cleaner head, locate the end cap. Using a coin, turn the end cap anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove it.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Clear the floor tool

Under the Cleaner head by the Soft roller, locate the fastener. Using a coin, turn the fastener anticlockwise a quarter of the way to remove the end cap.

Note: There should be a small padlock icon along with directional arrows to help you unlock the end cap.


Remove the Brush bar from the Cleaner head and clear away any hair or fibres.

Check the neck of the Cleaner head (where the Cleaner head connects to the Wand) for any blockages. Ensure there is no build up of dust or debris in the small crevice between where the Brush bar sits and the neck of the Cleaner head.


With the Brush bar clear from any debris, refit the Brush bar back into the cleaner head and securely fasten the end cap.

Place the Cleaner head onto the Wand and test the machine.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

How to empty the bin

Ensure the machine is disconnected from the charger before emptying the bin. Be careful not to pull the 'ON' trigger.


Empty as soon as the dirt reaches the level of the MAX mark – do not overfill.


To release the dirt, push the red button by the clear bin downwards to release dust directly into a dustbin.


Close the clear bin base so it clicks into place and is secure.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The video may show a different model but the process remains the same.

Washing the filter

Remove the filter from the machine.

Prior to washing the filter, tap it on a hard surface to remove any debris inside.

Soak and massage the filter in cold water, repeating this process until the water is clear.

Squeeze and twist the filter with both hands to make sure the excess water is removed.

Lay the filter on its side to dry for at least 24 hours.

Note: The filter may require more frequent washing if vacuuming fine dust or if used mainly in ‘Powerful suction’ mode.


Some variants may have a washable post-filter.

If it does, run the water into the open side of the post-filter, then tap and shake the filter to expel all debris.

Repeat the process until the water runs clear.


Is there anything else we can help with?

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