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Due to the upcoming bank holiday, there will be a delay in the delivery of orders placed after 4pm on the 15th of March. All orders will be shipped on the next working day.

Let's get your machine working

Dyson Cu-Beam Duo light
Dyson Cu-Beam Duo light

Let's get your machine working

Dyson Cu-Beam Duo light

Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

Is the light installed with a dimmer?

Reference code:

Which type of dimmer is it?

DALI - A lighting management control system.

Analogue dimming, this is usually referred to as 1-10v dimming.

AC mains/TRIAC

AC/TRIAC dimmers are designed for resistive loads such as incandescent or halogen lights. These phase controlled dimmers are not compatible with LEDs since LEDs do not appear as a resistive load.

What kind of dimmer is being used?

Reference code:

Please note, a converter is required if an analogue dimmer is being used.

Is an analogue to DALI converter being used?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.


Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:
Reference code:

Is the light installed with a dimmer?

Reference code:

The product needs to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to adjust the brightness.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Which type of dimmer is it?

DALI - A lighting management control system.

Analogue dimming, this is usually referred to as 1-10v dimming.

AC mains/TRIAC

AC/TRIAC dimmers are designed for resistive loads such as incandescent or halogen lights. These phase controlled dimmers are not compatible with LEDs since LEDs do not appear as a resistive load.

What kind of dimmer is being used?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with AC/Mains Triac, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please select the appropriate option

Reference code:

Cleaning instructions

As per the recommendations in the operations guide, use a microfibre cloth or solvent and moisture-free compressed air canister to clean the appliance.

Please ensure the appliance is turned off before cleaning.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Installation guide

The installation guide can be found on the above link.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The technical specification can be found on the above link.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Included in the box with your Cu-Beam up light:



Ceiling box.


Spring Hanger x2.


Ceiling box fascia.


Installation bracket x2.


Screw pozi drive x4.


Adjustable Hangar x2.


Uplight Luminaire.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please note, a converter is required if an analogue dimmer is being used.

Is an analogue to DALI converter being used?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with analogue dimmers without a converter, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Consult an electrician as to whether the light has been installed with a compatible dimmer and/or control system.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Is the product installed with a dimmer?

Reference code:

Which direction is too bright or dim?

Reference code:

What height is the light installed over the table?

Reference code:

The trim blades are the four plastic blades that connect to the rectangular baffle of the downlight.

To check the blades have been set up correctly please refer to the installation guide.

Are the trim blades fitted correctly?

Reference code:

Check the blades have been set up correctly.

Are the trim blades fitted correctly?

Reference code:

Please refer to the user guide and refit Trim blades.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

This issue could be caused by the table surface, Cu-Beam Down light is not suitable for use over glass or reflective surfaces.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Do you still have the trim blades?

Reference code:

Please refit the Blades as per the installation guide.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

This issue can be resolved by reinstalling the light. Cu-Beam Down light is designed to be hung over a table and not used as general lighting for a room.

Please refer to the installation guide.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

At what height is the product from the floor?

Reference code:

This issue could be resolved by installing a dimmer switch.

Alternatively the issue could be resolved by moving the light to a different location in the room.

Below is information on the different dimmer types available on market:

Analogue dimming, this is usually referred to as 1-10v dimming.

DALI - A lighting management control system.

AC mains/TRIAC - Not Compatible

AC/TRIAC dimmers are designed for resistive loads such as incandescent or halogen lights. These phase controlled dimmers are not compatible with LEDs since LEDs do not appear as a resistive load.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please note; All electrical installation and repair work should be carried out by a qualified electrician in accordance with current local codes or regulations.

It is recommended that the product is installed over 2.5m from the floor to prevent glare.

Please refer to the operations manual for further advise.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Consult an electrician as to whether the light has been installed with a compatible dimmer and/or control system.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Which type of dimmer is it?

DALI - A lighting management control system.

Analogue dimming, this is usually referred to as 1-10v dimming.

AC mains/TRIAC

AC/TRIAC dimmers are designed for resistive loads such as incandescent or halogen lights. These phase controlled dimmers are not compatible with LEDs since LEDs do not appear as a resistive load.

What kind of dimmer is being used?

Reference code:

Consult an electrician as to whether the light has been installed with a compatible dimmer and/or control system.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please note, a converter is required if an analogue dimmer is being used.

Is an analogue to DALI converter being used?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with analogue dimmers without a converter, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with AC/Mains Triac, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Your Dyson Cu-Beam light will have been provided with 4m of cable.


Is the desired wire length over 4m?

Reference code:

We do not advise customers to replace the wires as this will invalidate the guarantee. The wires used are to an exact Dyson specification.

The Dyson Cu-Beam lights are only approved for use with the supplied cable. This cable is to an exact Dyson specification. Replacing the cables will invalidate the guarantee.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with analogue dimmers without a converter, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with AC/Mains Triac, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Consult an electrician as to whether the light has been installed with a compatible dimmer and/or control system.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.


Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Consult an electrician as to whether the light has been installed with a compatible dimmer and/or control system.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The product needs to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to adjust the brightness.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Is the light connected to a DALI lighting management system?

Reference code:

What system is in use?

Reference code:

Check system and connections. Refer to the installation guide for more details.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Adjust the upwards and downwards light distribution be manually using the dial on the luminaire (Please refer to the installation guide for further details).


Can the light be split manually?

Reference code:

As the light can be split manually, it is likely that the issue lies with the control system.

Please contact your light control system engineer or an electrician to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with analogue dimmers without a converter, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

When connecting a DALI control system only the function of dimming is possible through the control system.

To adjust the upwards and downwards light distribution, this must be done by manually adjusting the dial on the luminaire (see installation guide for further details).

Both dimming and upwards/downwards light distribution are available through 0-10/1-10/PWM control systems.


Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

Consult an electrician as to whether the light has been installed with a compatible dimmer and/or control system.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Is the light being used with a dimmer?

Reference code:

Are other lights/appliances working?

Reference code:

Only check the light if it is safe to do so. If there is any doubt please contact an electrician or maintenance personnel.

Can you access the light safely?

Reference code:

Is there power supplied to the Luminaire?

Reference code:

Please note; All electrical installation and repair work should be carried out by a qualified electrician in accordance with current local codes or regulations.

Test the fuse

Turn off the light and remove power supply. Ensure that there is no power to the light before removing the fuse.

Turn the meter on and set it to OHMS.

Put one lead on each end of the fuse and check the display on the meter.

Please note; All electrical installation and repair work should be carried out by a qualified electrician in accordance with current local codes or regulations.

Fuse type - 4 AMP 250v Fuse.

Has the fuse blown?

Reference code:

Please replace the fuse and retest the light.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

This issue should be resolved by an electrician.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

This is likely to be an issue with the electrical supply and will need to be resolved by an electrician.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Which type of dimmer is it?

DALI - A lighting management control system.

Analogue dimming, this is usually referred to as 1-10v dimming.

AC mains/TRIAC

AC/TRIAC dimmers are designed for resistive loads such as incandescent or halogen lights. These phase controlled dimmers are not compatible with LEDs since LEDs do not appear as a resistive load.

What kind of dimmer is being used?

Reference code:

Please note, a converter is required if an analogue dimmer is being used.

Is an analogue to DALI converter being used?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.


Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with analogue dimmers without a converter, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.


Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with AC/Mains Triac, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Consult an electrician as to whether the light has been installed with a compatible dimmer and/or control system.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Is the light being used with a dimmer?

Reference code:

Are other lights/appliances working?

Reference code:

This is likely to be an issue with the electrical supply and will need to be resolved by an electrician.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Only check the light if it is safe to do so. If there is any doubt please contact an electrician or maintenance personnel.

Can you access the light safely?

Reference code:

Is there power supplied to the Luminaire?

Reference code:

Turn off the light and remove power supply. Ensure that there is no power to the light before removing the fuse.

Turn the meter on and set it to OHMS.

Put one lead on each end of the fuse and check the display on the meter.

Please note; All electrical installation and repair work should be carried out by a qualified electrician in accordance with current local codes or regulations.

Fuse type - 4 AMP 250v Fuse.

Has the fuse blown?

Reference code:

Please replace the fuse and retest the light.

Has this resolved the problem?

Reference code:

This issue should be resolved by an electrician.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Consult an electrician as to whether the light has been installed with a compatible dimmer and/or control system.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Which type of dimmer is it?

DALI - A lighting management control system.

Analogue dimming, this is usually referred to as 1-10v dimming.

AC mains/TRIAC

AC/TRIAC dimmers are designed for resistive loads such as incandescent or halogen lights. These phase controlled dimmers are not compatible with LEDs since LEDs do not appear as a resistive load.

What kind of dimmer is being used?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with AC/Mains Triac, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please note, a converter is required if an analogue dimmer is being used.

Is an analogue to DALI converter being used?

Reference code:

The light is not compatible with analogue dimmers without a converter, it will need to be installed with a compatible dimmer in order to dim.

Compatible dimmer - OSram DALI MCU

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.


Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.


Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Please disconnect the DALI system. If the light is operational it should power on.

You may need to speak to your DALI engineer to resolve this issue.


Is the light working after you have disconnected the DALI converter?

Reference code:

As the light is working when the DALI is not connected it is likely to be an issue with the DALI system.

Please contact a DALI engineer to resolve this issue.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Reference code:

Consult an electrician as to whether the light has been installed with a compatible dimmer and/or control system.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

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Please contact our customer service team on 01-475-7109, or directly on Live Chat through our Digital Assistant by clicking the purple icon at the bottom of the page. You can start a conversation with an Expert by clicking the agent icon at the bottom left of the chat window.

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