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Due to the upcoming bank holiday, there will be a delay in the delivery of orders placed after 4pm on the 15th of March. All orders will be shipped on the next working day.

Frequently asked questions

Is it true that the powerful airflow of Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers means that more particles are blown around the washroom, risking a greater spread of bacteria?

A number of studies are used by the paper towel industry to support bold and inaccurate claims. In general, these studies were not conducted under conditions or scenarios that simulate real life or an actual situation that a person would reasonably experience when using a Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer. Researchers that conducted these studies were only able to achieve such a result by grossly contaminating their gloved hands with bacteria and viruses, and drying them with a Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer without washing their hands first. Conversely, research studies by the University of Bradford (UK) and by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University showed that, when used correctly, Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers actually reduced the bacteria on hands.

Dyson's new independent research into aerosolisation shows that that drying hands with a Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer aerosolises no more than drying with paper towels – and that Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers are hygienic and safe to use.¹

What does HEPA stand for?

HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. To be a genuine HEPA Filter, like fitted in all Dyson Airblade hand dryers as standard, the filter must pass test standards EN1822-5 and IEST-RP-CC001.6. Any filter which does not state it is a HEPA filter may not be proven to work to such high levels of efficiency.

Should I use a paper towel or hand dryer when drying hands? Which is more effective?

Hand washing is a crucial way of reducing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Drying hands properly is an important step in that process as damp hands can spread up to 1,000 times more bacteria than dry hands.⁹ Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers have been proven to be as hygienic in drying hands as paper towels,¹⁰ but without the environmental damage or high usage costs.¹¹

  • 1 Suen et al. 2019 SR and based on bacteria in air and aerosols (0.3 to >5 microns) measured during hand drying in 28.5 m³ test chamber, in a study conducted by independent third-party laboratory.
  • 2 Based on aerosolisation measured during hand drying. Testing conducted by independent third-party laboratory Airmid Healthgroup Ltd.
  • 3 HEPA filter tested to EN1822-5, by an independent testing laboratory, under prescribed test conditions.
  • 4 Snelling et al. (2010) JAM.
  • 5 Dry time determined using Dyson test method 769 based on NSF P335 using a measurement of 0.1g residual moisture.
  • 6 Global survey conducted in July 2020 across 14 countries worldwide (UK, DE, ES, FR, IT, NL, US, CA, MX, CN, JP, MY, SG, AU) with 8,758 respondents in total, aged 18 years-old or above. Individual percentages vary per country.
  • 7 Dry time and energy consumption calculated for Max mode. Dry time was determined using Dyson test method 769 based on NSF P335 to a measurement of 0.1 g residual moisture.
  • 8 Tested in an external lab according to ISO 22196 against E. coli, Salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumonia and ISO 21702 against H3N2 (influenza) virus.
  • 9 D. R. PATRICK, G. FINDON and T. E. MILLER: Residual moisture determines the level of touchcontact associated bacterial transfer following hand washing, Epidemiol. Infect. (1997): 119, 319-325.
  • 10 Mutters & Warnes (2019) JHI.
  • 11 For calculations visit www.dyson.ie/calcs